Sales Methodology Enablement

Need your team be more disciplined about your sales methodology?
Sales Effectiveness
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How it works

This Sudo Skill is designed to help reinforce your sales methodology during the entire sales process. This example illustrates how this skill can be used in conjunction with the MEDDIC methodology. In particular, before a scheduled meeting, the sales rep is reminded to gather the stage-specific information your methodology requires. Since the prompt comes before the interaction with the prospect, this skill will influence the nature and content of the sales conversation in such a way that naturally reinforces your methodology.

‍‍Prompt to a sales rep before a meeting related to an open opportunity

After the meeting, updating this information is trivial by pressing the edit button:

Editing the information is quick and easy

Typical Results

Companies who implement this Sudo Skill typically see:

  • 28% increase in fill rate for sales methodology fields
  • 2% increase in win rate

Customizing this Skill

This Sudo Skill can be completely customized for your sales methodology, including but not limited to:

  • Opportunities for which this applies
  • Sales rep for which this applies (e.g., inside vs. outside)
  • Information to be collected at each stage of an opportunity
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Sales Effectiveness

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