Follow-up Reminders

Is your sales cycle too long?
Sales Effectiveness
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How it works

This Sudo Skill is designed to help make sure your reps never forget to follow up. Most people use their inbox as their to-do list. Once they fire off an email, if they don't hear back, it's easy to forget to follow-up. The difference between following up now or in 2 days is a sales cycle that's 2 days longer. Multiply that by all the interactions that happen during a sale and it's easy to see how the cycle can grow by weeks. Since Sudo is connected to your email, it can track every email you send, detect which ones are relevant and are expecting a response and prompt your team to follow up on the emails that don't receive a response:

Reminder to a rep when a relevant email doesn't receive a response

If the sales rep clicks "Send Follow-up" then Sudo drafts an intelligent follow-up based on the content of the original email, and then lets the rep send that draft with one click or edit it if needed.

Follow-up email drafted by Sudo

Alternatively, if the rep selects to create a reminder, Sudo will create a task and send the rep a reminder on the specified date (only if the email still hasn't received a response).

Task created by Sudo as a reminder to follow up on the email

Typical Results

Organizations that implement this Sudo Skill typically see the following benefits:

  • ~1 week reduction in average sales cycle
  • 1% increase in win rate

Customizing this Skill

This Sudo Skill can be completely customized to reflect your sales process:

  • Which roles this skill applies for
  • Which types of emails to consider (e.g., only to existing accounts or accounts + leads)
  • Timing for initial prompt and reminder
  • Email templates for different use cases (e.g., meeting requests, introduction requests, etc.)
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Sales Effectiveness

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