Low Activity Warning - Lead

Leads falling through the cracks?
Lead Acceleration
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How it works

This Sudo Skill is designed to make sure your team is actively reaching out to all of the leads assigned to them. Since Sudo is connected to your team's email, calendar, and phone, it can automatically detect and log all activities related to a lead.  Sudo knows which leads are being ignored, so it can prompt your team to take action on those leads, and then re-assign them if appropriate.

The prompt Sudo sends to the rep when a lead meets the "low activity" threshold

If the lead owner indicates they are still working on the lead, Sudo prompts them to take action on the lead and tells them how long they have to take action before the lead is re-assigned.

Sudo's response when the rep says they are still working on the lead

If the lead owner indicates that they are no longer working on the lead, Sudo prompts them to ask why not. Depending on the answer, you can configure a number of actions (e.g., changing the lead status, re-assigning the lead, etc.).

The rep is prompted for the reason why they are no longer working on a lead

Typical Results

Companies who implement this Sudo Skill typically see:

  • 12% reduction in inactive leads
  • 6% higher capacity to manage leads per rep

Customizing this Skill

This Sudo Skill can be completely customized to meet your organization's lead management process, including but not limited to:

  • Parameters for defining the low activity "threshold" (timing, number of activities, types of activities)
  • Information displayed on lead "cards"
  • Reasons for not working a lead (and corresponding actions)
  • De-assignment/Re-assignment logic
see more sudo skills for

Lead Acceleration

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