Implementation Milestones

Want to ensure every customer gets started on the right foot?
Customer Success
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How it works

This Sudo Skill is designed to help your team more effectively manage the implementation life cycle of your customers. The more customers each member of your team is handling, the harder it is to stay on top of the process.  Sudo makes it easy, by ensuring that your team has perfect visibility into everything they need to be doing. Sudo will send a message each week to your customer success reps that highlights all the important milestones they have coming up, ensuring they have enough time to complete each milestone before it's due:

Weekly prompt sent to Customer Success Rep with their upcoming milestones

From here, it's seamless for the Customer Success Rep to mark complete the milestones they've already achieved, or to set reminders for the ones they won't be able to complete that week.

Each milestone can be marked as complete or set for a reminder

Typical Results

Companies who implement this Sudo Skill typically see:

  • 6% reduction in implementation time for their customers
  • Qualitative increase in customer satisfaction with implementation process

Customizing this Skill

This Sudo Skill can be completely customized for your post-sales process, including but not limited to:

  • Definition of the milestones, including triggers and lead times
  • Who should receive the notification about each milestone
  • Cadence of reminders
see more sudo skills for

Customer Success

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