Make work flow.

Every company has workflows, from product development to budget approvals to recruitment. If you accelerate your workflows, you accelerate your company.

Sudo is a workflow acceleration platform that allows companies to quickly design, configure, and execute workflows across any business function, all in a single message-based UI.
  • Integrate your siloed data
  • Pro-actively prompt your team for action or input
  • Make your team 😊

sudo in action

Proactive & actionable

Workflows often get bottlenecked because people are busy, and it takes time and effort to remember the various due dates, website URLs, passwords, etc. Sudo helps you push through the bottlenecks by building workflows that are proactive, triggered based on events in your data, and actionable, such that any action that needs to be taken can be completed immediately, with just a few clicks.

Sudo in action

Versatile & Secure

Sudo’s flexible technology works with any workflow in your organization - Operations, Finance, HR, Procurement, etc. - no matter how simple or complex. Our data integration capabilities mean that all data remains on your infrastructure, so information security and access rights are up to your standards.


Universal UI

With workflow acceleration as the ultimate goal, having happy and engaged end-users is crucial. Sudo’s expertise in messaging-based UI’s allows all workflow actions to be executed in a common interface, providing workflow participants a universal, user-friendly UI

Our Story

The Ford Model T assembly line

In December of 1913, Henry Ford introduced the assembly line to his Model T production facility, and in so doing accelerated the pace of car production by 8x.  The brilliance of this innovation was changing the way that work flowed: bringing the work to the workers, instead of the other way around.

100+ years later, the nature of work has changed, but the challenge of making it flow has not. Why does it take months to agree on a budget? Weeks to make a hiring decision?  Days to approve an expense report? What if your company was one innovation away from doing things 8x faster?

In many ways, the root cause of workflows stalling is the same that Henry Ford identified in 1913: we rely on people to “come to the work”, not physically, but digitally: to prioritize the work, log into the right system, and then do the task.

The solution to this challenge for today's "knowledge workers" is not an assembly line, but an operating system that prioritizes, coordinates, and schedules the work to be done. We are on a mission to build that operating system, and the first step is the Sudo Platform, which helps large companies accelerate slow, costly workflows by “bringing the work to their workers.”

Our Founders

We’ve assembled a great team to revolutionize enterprise software from the bottom up. We are working on adding more super cool skills to Sudo to get you more productive all within Slack.

Francisco Larrain
Amit Koren
Gaston L’Huillier
Stacie Wu

Our Investors

Founders Fund • 8VC • Ribbit Capital • Slack Fund • Precursor Ventures • Innovation Endeavors • Storm Ventures

Advisory Board

We’re incredibly fortunate to have world-class advisors guiding us on this journey

Bob Tinker
Co-Founder MobileIron
Frank Van Veenendaal
Vice Chairman, Salesforce
Dave Dyer
SVP Sales at SuccessFactors, then Birst

tested and trusted

What others are saying

Sudo helps us get much higher ROI on the investment we've made in our CRM system. I get all the data I need to forecast accurately and to optimize our sales process. Best of all, my reps love it.
Jen Mingo
SVP of Customer Success
Sudo helps to maximize value from our SFDC investment. It allows me to focus on driving my business forward and to spend less time on administrative tasks. Sudo automatically captures important information and milestones that provide the entire organization complete visibility into our accounts and opportunities.
rob O'Brien
Head of North American Sales
I love using Sudo! I've never had a sales tool that actually made my life easier and enabled me to hit 100% adoption of Salesforce. It proactively prompts me to log all my activities, add new contacts, etc without ever having to log into Salesforce. Saves me 20-30+ minutes per day that I can use for what my real job is: Selling
Matt Carlin
Regional Sales Manager
Sudo ensures I don't waste time manually clicking around in Salesforce populating fields with data. Sudo does my busy-work for me so I can focus on selling.
Paige Evans
Regional Manager
Using Sudo from a mobile device is an absolute game changer as it provides a quick and easy way to access Salesforce records. More importantly, Sudo works behind the scenes keeping me on top of tasks and action items, as well as ensuring the data going into Salesforce is accurate and complete
Donald Reese
Co-Founder & Vice President of Sales
As an enterprise B2B sales professional using Salesforce for over 13 years, Sudo has truly delivered on Salesforce's increased productivity and ease of use. Automating manual tasks has been a game changer for time management at my organization.
Joe Canariato
RVP Insurance